Committee roundup

The PHCCIG committee continue to work hard to advance action on climate change. However, we have had many challenges since the last newsletter, working with a much smaller committee while members were on leave and some of our committee faced family and health challenges, this has impacted what we were able to achieve this period.  It is imperative that we attract new or existing members to stand for positions coming up at the Annual General Meeting at the end of November. We are also interested in amalgamating with organisations with similar values to increase our numbers and influence when advocating for climate change and environmental issues.

Meetings, events and campaigns:

  • Environment Advisory Group – Mundaring Shire Council: Committee member Finn attended the latest environment advisory group meeting at the Mundaring Shire Council offices. Items of interest discussed were introduction of electric vehicles to the shire’s fleet, encouraging residents to install renewables such as solar and batteries, successful introduction of FOGO bins – with residents starting to see the benefit of recycling green waste which will be turned into compost. FOGO is cost neutral to the Shire as the program was funded by a government grant.  Finn made suggestions on behalf of PHCCIG such as looking at Cockburn shire council policy of elimination of dark roofs in future builds, Owl protection, by looking at a reduction in the use of glyphosate by the shire; and improving communication with residents regarding items that can be put into FOGO bins, such as compostable takeaway containers. Sadly, Briony the Environmental Officer has resigned from her position at MSC and will be replaced internally, she was an extremely knowledgeable and active person on environment and climate change issues and PHCCIG will miss her input. We eagerly await her replacement and hope to work effectively with them as we have with Briony.
  • Climate Positive Perth Hills Event: This was held at the Arena in Mundaring and was a very interesting event attended by three of our committee, Lynda, Denise and Tanya, where we set up a stall with information about climate change issues. The event was attended by many local environment and climate groups looking at the topic of sustainable housing with a climate focus.  Brad Pettitt a State Greens senator was one of the main speakers and presented “Climate Positive Perth” a comprehensive plan to decarbonise Perth looking at Energy, Transport, Urban Greening and Planning and the Built form.  This was a great opportunity to communicate and work with other like-minded groups and discuss issues and solutions for the Perth Hills.
  • Finn attended a Fire and Forest event at the Kalamunda Hotel presented by Dr Katinka Ruthrof, a research scientist from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions, and Dr Joe Fontaine, a fire and plant ecologist from Murdoch University. They discussed their research and assessment of the forest die-off events observed in 2011 and again in 2024 and the critical work being done to understand the responses to, and implications of, severe drought across the region.
  • Go beyond Gas campaign spearheaded bythe Conservation Council of WA (CCWA). PHCCIG have responded to all requests from CCWA to take action on issues related to this campaign. The latest issue being the WA government now refusing to take responsibility for assessing greenhouse gas emissions. The Environment Minister Reece Whitby announced in parliament recently that the State government will no longer impose emissions conditions on any major fossil fuel projects such as the Woodside Burrup Hub expansion. Instead, all projects will be assessed by the Federal government’s Safeguard Mechanism. This means the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) will not be able to cast judgement over whether the government should approve polluting projects based on greenhouse gas emissions. Regulatory changes to the way the EPA assesses greenhouse gas emissions for major projects is deeply troubling, given WA is the only state in Australia where emissions are rising.

Community engagement:

  • Communication with Kevin Mack from Sustainable Bayswater (Envirohouse) regarding the Rewiring Australia program. PHCCIG supported a submission for the ‘electrify everything loans scheme’. Kevin has agreed to be a guest speaker for PHCCIG at the Annual General Meeting to be held in November. He will give us a general overview of Sustainable Bayswater and a colleague, Alan Benn, will tackle the more technical aspects of reducing carbon emissions and gaining financial benefit by households adopting the ‘electrify everything’ approach.

Papers, Submissions, media and letters:

  • Defend WA’s Nature with strong laws: we received many requests from CCWA to send emails to politicians, which we undertook, as well as completing online petitions. Several emails were sent to relevant politicians, including Tania Lawrence and Matthew Hughes.
  • Darlington Review: PHCCIG have placed regular articles on topics such as Electrifying Australia – encouraging household electrification, and most recently Bas submitted an article reviewing the nuclear energy debate.
  • ‘No more Coal and Gas’ signage was secured from 350 Australia, which PHCCIG can use at future events.
  • Many Facebook and Instagram posts were uploaded; despite being interstate, Denise has been regularly posting articles about climate issues for our members.

Lynda – Chair