We are very active! Below is a summary of some of our activities and actions over the past few years.
- Participated in the national Dirty Dozen campaign, delivering letters to the Perth based Dirty Dozen offices, media releases and meetings with politicians.
- Continued our support to Millenium Kids, promoting their Deliberative Democracy workshop in Mundaring.
- Blue Sky Festival Mundaring presentation: ‘Mundaring’s people – living and taking action towards a carbon neutral, sustainable future’.
- Climate Action Stalls were held at the Mundaring Rotary Markets in September and October, and in October at the Kalamunda Farmers Market. A stall was also held at the Save Perth Hills rally along with a social media campaign about the Safeguard Mechanism – called Safeguard our Climate.
- Partnered with Solutions for Climate Australia to advocate for the big fossil fuel polluters to do their fair share of emission reduction. PHCCIG representatives visited the offices of the big polluters in Perth, spoke to local federal politicians, and contributed to a national media campaign. We were also represented at meeting Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) organised with MPs at Parliament House in Canberra.
- Collaborated with Climate Network Australia, the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Perth and Darling Range Communities, the Conservation Council of WA, Doctors for the Environment, Citizens Climate Lobby, the Nature Reserves Preservation Group and a network of local and Australia-wide environment and climate action groups throughout the year on a range of campaigns
- Published 8 newsletters to a mail list of more than 250 recipients
- Advocated strongly to State and Federal MPs to support the Shire of Mundaring with their proposal to change streetlights from incandescent to LED lights to reduce emissions by 38%.
- Met with the Mundaring Shire President and Deputy President to discuss a range of climate related issues and advocate for strong action on climate
- Updated our Federal and Local Government Advocacy papers and prepared our WA government Advocacy paper.
- Prepared several submissions including :
- Response to the WA government’s consultations on climate adaptation
- To the Climate Change Authority in June 2023 calling for a minimum of 75% emissions reduction by 2035.
- Partnered with Doctors for the Environment to call for a stop to the proposed Beelaloo Basin Hydraulic-Fracking gas field.
- Partnered with CCWA’s Beyond Gas campaign to keep gas in the ground, secure strong climate legislation to WA, and to plan for WA to become a renewable energy superpower.
- Advocated for a public assessment and full Environment Review of Alcoa’s Bauxite Mining in the Darling ranges
- Objections tothe Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm proposal
- The City of Kalamunda in support of their draft climate action plan.
- Proposing amendments to the WA Climate Bill
- Held stalls at Kalamunda Forest Festival (with Millennium Kids) and the Connecting Community Expo Mundaring
- Fire Pit Yarning – Valuing Indigenous People, Biodiversity, Environment, and Climate Change Outcomes and the Uluru Statement from the Heart, a talk by Nolan Hunter at the Perth Discovery Centre
- In collaboration with Climate Action Network ran an intensive campaign to vote for Climate Action Now during the Federal Election campaign including an online forum with candidates for Hasluck, stalls at Mundaring and Kalamunda markets, media articles and extensive social media, and distributing signs and stickers to individuals and businesses in the Hills.
- Created a website and Instagram account to reach more interested people
- Emailed the Mayor, all councillors and Residents and Ratepayers groups, and gave a deputation to the City of Kalamunda council, advocating for a declaration of a Climate Emergency, which was declared on 25 May 2021
- Successfully advocated for the introduction of a regular Eco Newsletter by the Shire of Mundaring – Six Seasons newsletter.
- Worked with and supported Millennium Kids – Shire of Mundaring Youth-led deliberation on Climate Change and to assist young people interested in action on climate change
- Emailed, met with councillors and gave deputations to the Shire of Mundaring advocating for a declaration of a Climate Emergency, which was declared on 10 December 2019
- Co-hosted with the Shire of Mundaring a showing of the film 2040 at the Kookaburra outdoor cinema
- Published a report (Envisioning the Hills Beyond 2030) on the attitudes and hopes of Hills people, especially younger people, related to our changing climate. This was based on written comments, including pictures drawn by children, collected from participants as part of the 2040 film evening.
- Presented a snapshot of our findings from “Envisioning the Hills Beyond 2030” at the Blue Sky Festival in Mundaring.
- Held a well-attended video conference about a Climate Change Act for WA (with Dr Hugh Finn as guest speaker)