Key take outs from COP 28 

Held in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023, this meeting generated a lot of controversy due to its being held in the UAE, a major petrochemical state.

However, some feel it was a moderate success, with establishing a ‘loss and damage fund’, ‘transitioning away from’ fossil fuels, continuing to emphasise the science and commit to 1.5C, tripling renewables by 2030, and adaptation being the key take outs (Image: Kangaroo Island, Jan 2020, from New Matilda). read more

Grassroots action makes a difference

Transition Town lobbyist Michelle Bunn (centre of photo, with Rachel Davison & Steve Gates) knows that grassroots activism has a significant role to play in our energy transition. With a BA degree and a focus during her working life (mostly in the public sector) on communications and policy development, Michelle was well placed to help shift the City of Kalamunda’s thinking and practice. … read more

New committee members

At the 2023 AGM, we were able to recruit four new committee members with great skills: Tanya Marwood, Finn Carle, and Stephen Jones. … read more

Getting active: ‘cos the climate can’t wait

So, you’re in this thing called Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group. But you’re not sure how to engage with any actual… action?  Don’t worry – we’re here to help. … read more

What we’re listening to and watching 

Our Chair, Lynda, recommends this podcast: The Climate Question:  BBC News World Service Not just a show about climate, it’s also about how we can change. What’s stopping us from stopping climate change? Finding new ways of understanding what is happening to our world and the solutions that are out there.

Do you have any podcasts, programs, books, webinars you can recommend? Please let us know! … read more…

From the Committee  

There has been a lot happening in the climate change space both globally and locally since our last newsletter – PHCCIG committee members have been active in meeting with politicians, attending briefings and training to stay up to date with climate change issues.

The PHCCIG AGM was held on 28 October 2023 at the Boya Community Centre, where guest speaker Dr Richard Yin, Doctors for the Environment (right), gave a very interesting talk on ‘Climate change advocacy; the power in meaningful stories, relationships & communities’.

Click here to read about what PHCCIG has been up to since September 2023. Please join us in our advocacy for change

Events and new developments

We have a NEW Facebook page called simply Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group – go check it out and click ‘Like’ – and invite your friends to like it too!

There you’ll find a bunch of upcoming sustainability events on around the city, and we also post links to articles of interest. 

Follow us on Instagram too on our page.