This page contains links to articles about members of the Hills community who have featured in our Newsletters.

Valorous Victoria – a passionate, dedicated, lover of nature and justice!

Victoria Laurie’s love for, and dedication to, the natural environment and justice shines through her local voluntary work and her career as a journalist and TV presenter.  She is also the author of The Kimberley – Australia’s Last Great Wilderness and The South West Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspot. Victoria has been a Walkley Award finalist three times and is a recipient of an Equal Opportunity Media Ward and numerous state awards….read more

Rhiannon Hardwick – embracing an ecological healthy life – at home and work! 

Glen Forrest resident Rhiannon lives with a strong intention to integrate her personal values, home life and career.  With a sharp, analytical mind and a heart full of love for the natural word, she’s building a direction strongly informed by her degrees in Political Science and International Relations, Economics, a post graduate qualification in Education, as well as a wealth of personal and professional experience. … read more

Agents of Climate Change, Sophia! A Youth Perspective

The committee invited 13-year-old Millennium Kid Sophia to share her perspective on Climate Change. Her use of personal experiences to explain her perspectives left us in no doubt that young people are aware of issues and solutions.  

Sophia focused on waste, recycling, and car emissions as she contrasted her bottle recycling experience using the cumbersome system in her LGA compared with examples that she has experienced in Germany and the UK… read more

Rachel’s lode star – nature’s wonderment, love, inspirational business!

The lodestar of Rachel’s hopes and dreams is her belief in the world-changing power of empathy and good relationships- in family, community, with nature and in the business world. 

She holds this as a guide to what she does in her daily life, in her business, Replenish, and in her community voluntary and climate action work   read more

Stepping out for sustainability – Jenny’s joyful dance!

Jenny Currell is such a joyful embodiment of what it takes to live a grounded and sustainable lifestyle.  What an inspiration!

Jenny designed and built her energy efficient and affordable small home … read more

Cathy and Mike Burbridge – A local small business family inspiration!

Cathy and Mike’s passion for a sustainable, positive, and carbon neutral future informs how and what they do at home and at work.  And they love our biodiverse and beautiful Perth Hills environment.

In their Gooseberry Hill business, the Sea Turtle Swim School, they teach water safety and a love for water to babies, children and adults. 

The business is carbon neutral. To achieve this…read more

Rosie Logie and her family! A simple life, living gently –

Rosie has crafted a hills lifestyle with her family at the centre, with her heart and eyes on a sustainable, low carbon footprint, future… read more.   

Steve! A sustainable lifestyle inspiration –a mover and shaker for a better world!

Like so many people who live in the Perth Hills, Steve Gates walks the talk when it comes to climate action for a positive future. … read more.

Valuing Indigenous People, Climate Change, and the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Nolan Hunter, a Mundaring resident and Head of Engagement, Uluru Dialogue, and Traditional Wadjuk woman, Vanessa Corunna, recently met… read more.

Nina! What a champion –  for a sustainable, carbon neutral positive future! 

‘We all need to look after our mother’  … Here’s a video of Nina Radamanthos giving a great speech at the Kalamunda Farmers Market on Mother’s Day.  What a champion for a positive future, such an inspiration for us all! Watch her speak in this videoNina!.