Tools for making better choices for the climate

Double-glazed windows,

We all want to make the best and most effective lifestyle choices to minimise our contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, right? But where to start?

Our chair Lynda recently found a great website Climate Choices about making these everyday climate decisions. Whilst this is ACT-focussed, it still has some relevant information for us in other states. Immediately we asked: Is there something similar for WA? A brief Google search did not turn up anything, but if you know of one, please send us an email! It certainly would be good to have one specifically for WA, especially the south-west, with its closed electricity grid (the South West Integrated System).

If you can’t find something similar to this one from the ACT and you’d like one, we suggest writing to your local state member to request it. You could make the point that we approve of what’s happening in the ACT and think it gives a good example of what we could do in WA, particularly to counteract perceptions that we’re not ‘pulling our weight’.