The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) Darling Range (DR) Group started recently with a meet and greet at Mojos Café in Mundaring. Fourteen environmental enthusiasts  attended to find out more about the DR Group and how they can contribute.

The DR Group plans to work with other community groups, such as the Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group, which share similar goals of achieving positive environmental outcomes by sharing resources and working collaboratively on joint initiatives.

As Bree, convenor of the ACF DR Group, says ‘as we all know, climate and nature are intrinsically linked; climatic changes, mining and emissions have a significant impact on ecological wellbeing. Ecosystems need protection and regeneration from adverse effects of urban sprawl and inappropriate burning. Climate change is of global and national concern but also requires a localised approach with consolidated effort.’

Bree decided a concentrated focus on a localised area would have the best likelihood of achieving a positive impact. The Darling Range, although vast, has a similar ecology throughout the plateau and its communities face similar environmental issues. It made sense to create a group for this geographical area and Bree joined forces with the ACF to form the ACF Darling Range Community Group.

Central to the work of the DR Group is its overarching lens of ecological justice. The group is keen to work with individuals, community groups, organisations and policymakers who want to find smarter, more sustainable ways to achieve economic growth and development, whilst taking active measures to protect and regenerate our natural world.

Bree believes that our State and Federal governments have an excellent – and time-critical – opportunity to ‘walk the talk’ by prioritising environmental and planning laws if they are to meet political promises of a nature positive society. There is no “us” without nature, and nature depends on a suitable climate.

She said ‘rather than encroaching further into nature for developments like the proposed North Stoneville Townsite or extend mining in the Northern Jarrah Forest, we need a long-term vision; regenerate ecosystems and create wildlife corridors’.

Bree recently ran a guided bushwalk – in light rain – to National Park Falls along the Swan View Railway Heritage Trail and plans for the DR Group to offer more bush walks and other environmental type activities throughout the Darling Range.

To get involved in local environmental initiatives or the Darling Range Group, please contact Bree at or visit