Federal Election 2022 Update – The Climate Election! People power!! A big thank you everyone!!!
The committee, members and volunteers, and our partners, were very busy in the lead up to the recent Federal election. Together we achieved… read more.
We are busy in the run up to the Federal election! Find out what we are doing, how you can be involved, and some resources to help you vote for what you want, below.
Insurance and climate
Hills residents need to vote for a candidate who will champion strong emission reductions. You can bet your home on it!. Here’s why.
Candidates’ promises
The climate promises from the Greens, Labor and Liberal party candidates in the Canning and Hasluck electorates, together with the independent Jeanene Williams for Hasluck, are available at our Candidates’ Promises page. Other candidates did not respond to a request for information for these tables and their websites do not specify emission reduction nor evidence based strategies to reduce climate change risk.
Hasluck Candidates Forum
The online Candidates Forum was held on Wednesday 27 April and was a huge success with over 90 RSVPs and 70 people tuning in on the night. Featuring Independent candidate Jeanene Williams, Labor candidate Tania Lawrence, United Australia Party candidate Will Scott, Greens candidate Brendan Sturck, and MCed by Dr Hugh Finn, this event profiles the candidates’ stances on a range of issues including climate action, fossil fuels, hazard reduction burning and working alongside First Nations people.
Advocacy Paper
We have created a statement of our advocacy position so we can clearly discuss what action we want our politicians to take at local, State and Federal levels. You can read and download below:
We are actively involved in the Climate Action Network’s Together We Can campaign to raise awareness of voting for climate action. This has involved distributing signs and stickers for Perth Hills residents to display.
You can get involved by contacting us and we will deliver signs and/or stickers. If you are a Hills business and want to distribute for us, we’d love to hear from you!
There is also an online campaign that you can get involved with as well. Just post with the sign or sticker, or a digital version downloaded from ACF and share it to your social media with the hashtag #climateactionnow. If you tag us, we will share it too!
Constituent Lobby Kit
We have built on the work of many others to create a Perth Hills lobby kit. This kit has everything you need to contact your local member and candidates standing for election to discuss climate action. Download and get talking!
We are at every regular weekend market in Mundaring (Saturdays) and Kalamunda (Sundays) until the election. Come and support the markets and chat with us about voting, candidates, what you can do and how you can be involved.
Meetings with candidates
We are meeting with the Hasluck and Canning candidates to say hello, discuss our advocacy paper and invite them to answer some questions and participate in a candidates forum. So far we have met with most Hasluck candidates!
PHCCIG in the media
We are trying to get ourselves out there and known around the Hills and have appeared in a few media spots so far!
Resources to help you to vote and to research candidates
Australian Electoral Commission provide information to understanding voting.
Another resource you may like to access is theyvoteforyou.org.au where you can research how your MP has voted on every issue before the parliament during their term. How they vote helps you to understand their values and how they stand up for them. Go here to find out more about your MP!
The ABC has created VoteCompass to help you identify how your values align with the political parties. You enter a series of questions and it gives a detailed analysis of where you sit on the political spectrum.
If you would like more information about all the above, plus hear about events, sign up to our newsletter!