So much has happened since the last newsletter! Here’s a list …Strategic plan, Dirty Dozen, North West Gas Extension, Local Governments, Youth voices – Agents of Change…and more!
Since the Annual General Meeting, the Committee, has endorsed the Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Groups Strategic Plan 2022- 2023. Well done to everyone, particularly all of the members at the October Strategic Planning Day.
Solutions for Climate Australia (A federal political advocacy project of Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) has partnered with PHCCIG and other grass roots climate advocacy groups across Australia to campaign for the big polluters, the ‘Dirty Dozen’ to be fair and do their share to reduce emissions.
PHCCIG put in a submission to ask the Federal Environment Minister to refuse the North West Gas Extension, mainly on the grounds that her approval of the project would have a significant impact on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), and particularly the potentially at risk northern jarrah/marri/wandoo forest (which is the forest that is across all of the Perth Hills).
Our advocacy position statement on Climate Change and Local Governments in the Perth Hills has been mailed to the Mayors of the Cities of Kalamunda, Armadale and Swan, and the President of the Shire of Mundaring, and meetings with them have been requested – more to follow on this next year 😊.
Further to the Agents for Change Youth Voice Leadership Workshop, the partnership with Millennium Kids continues, with an event planned for March 2023 and the release of a film.
The PHCCIG website now has a Resources section. If you have any climate resources, such as webinars or books you’d like to see mentioned on this section of the website, please send information about them to Attn: Michael Hoy phccig@gmail.com.
In closing, it’s been a jam-packed wonderful year. Thank you to everyone who’s been on the climate journey and for those who have contributed so much.
Seasons Greetings! – here’s to a towards sustainable, carbon neutral Perth Hills communities 2023!
Helen Lynes