With pride I can say that the Committee has unanimously supported the campaign for a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum. The committee is made up of a small group of volunteers. We’re really keen to invite people to join us, so if you are interested in becoming a member, or putting in a nomination for the Committee at the AGM (to be held later this year), or by helping out in any other way, please do email us on phccig@gmail.com.

Here is an update on the main things Committee members have done since the May-June newsletter. 

  • Submissions went to the Climate Change Authority.  We advocated for an emission reduction target of 75% by 2035.
  • A submission about the proposed tip at Allwana Farm.
  • Follow up about project initiation at schools, following Millennium Kids Tackling Climate Change forum held in March.
  • Successfully applied for a grant for some marketing resources, for climate action stalls.  Thank you, Shire of Mundaring.
  • Followed up on a meeting held in May with the Shire of Mundaring’s President and Vice President about progress on climate action.
  • Arranged for a climate stall with ACF, 3rd September, the Arena, Mundaring & one will be held in Kalamunda (venue and date to be confirmed).  Volunteers welcome
  • Attended the inaugural meeting of ACF Darling Range
  • Continued Facebook posts and new subscriptions for the newsletter
  • Drafted a WA government climate change position paper and arranged a focus group, and drafted scorecards for Perth Hills LGAs, and Federal and State politicians. 

Helen Lynes