Left to right Jim Thom, Helen Lynes and Patrick Crichton

It’s been another busy month!

A life membership award ceremony was held in late February for Patrick Crichton and Jim Thom, two founding members, in honour of their contributions to climate education and advocacy in the hills.

The Committee has finalised its Operational Plan for endorsement at its March meeting.  One of the changes this year is that there will be a bi-monthly newsletter, and an alternate bi-monthly member’s bulletin.  Please consider becoming a member.

Cathy Levett has continued to work towards the Millennium Kids Agents for Change forum. Lots has been happening to lobby for the big polluters to do their fair share in emissions reduction – to Safeguard Our Climate.    

Danielle Crichton, Cathy Levett, Stephan Millett

How things are becoming more hopeful!

Helen Lynes