It has been a challenging couple of months with several of your committee away from home enjoying their retirement. However, we have managed to maintain our focus and have achieved quite a bit. We:
- Endorsed our operational plan for the year
- Met with Senator Louise Pratt and informed Tania Lawrence MP of the content of the meeting (more info in this newsletter)
- Received with sincere thanks equipment and funds from Mundaring in Transition (more info in this newsletter)
- Received an update on the Safeguard Mechanism
- Committee Member Cathy and Millennium Kids conducted an excellent youth forum (more info in this newsletter)
- Have scheduled a meeting with Shire of Mundaring President James Martin and Deputy President Paige McNeil
- Finalised our advocacy position papers for the Federal Government and Hill’s Local Governments. Please note the latest versions of these papers will be on our website by early June.
- Provided a submission outlining our objections to the North Stoneville development on climate change related grounds
- Ensured regular Facebook posts
- Were mentioned in parliament by Tania Lawrence MP for Hasluck See p. 78 & 79 of Hansard
- Opened up a conversation with CCWA and ACF about a State Government Advocacy position
- Governance – reported as required under our incorporation and clarified our tax-exempt status
We will shortly be in contact with members and supporters to ask for your ideas on how we should best engage with Hills people keen to collaborate with us on promoting climate action in our community.
Ailsa Paterson
Deputy Chair
May 2023