Lynda Winter, Rotary Market Mundaring 🙂

Australia’s, and indeed the world’s, greenhouse gas emissions are not going down at anything like the rate that’s needed for a safe climate. 

All levels of government need to act now – and respond to the seriousness of our climate emergency. 

Since the July Newsletter, here are the key things that your committee has done:

  • Supported the growth of the Millennium Kids Agents of Climate change program 

  • Made a submission to the Environment Protection Authority (WA) to call for a public environment review of a proposed expansion to Alcoa’s bauxite mining in the Darling Range.
  • Commenced collaboration with the Conservation Council of WA, for the Go Beyond Gas campaign.
  • Held a stall at the Rotary Market in Mundaring on the 10th September (with thanks to Lynda and Lynda’s granddaughter, and Ailsa and Cathy),  and arranged to hold a stall at the Kalamunda Farmers Market on the 1st October.
Dr Yin

The Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group’s Annual General Meeting will be held

11am – 12.15pm Saturday 28th October 2023 at the Boya Community Centre, Corner Clayton Road & Scott Street Boya

With guest speaker, Dr Richard Yin, Doctors for the Environment. ‘Climate change advocacy; the power in meaningful stories, relationships & communities’.

Please rsvp to by 5pm Friday 27th October 2023.

Best wishes,
Helen Lynes