Dear members and interested, 

The City of Kalamunda (the City) has invited public comment on the draft Climate Change Action Plan by 10 Aug 2022. (The City adopted a ‘Climate Change Declaration’ in 2020, to acknowledge the issue and the urgency needed to address the problem, which we are already experiencing locally in Australia, and globally).

It is important that the City receives strong interest from the community and ratepayers, to ensure it is prioritised.

So we encourage you to show your interest and support for progressing the Plan by either taking a short Survey or by making a written submission via email:, or by person or by post.  Deadline 5pm 10th August 2022

To help your survey or submission, the Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group, Transition Town Kalamunda, and the Nature Reserves Preservation Group, has prepared a Submission Guide.

Please have your say – it can be brief, but should be constructive, and you may like to pick points from the Guide which are important to you.

We’re all in this together, so please share this with your friends so we can encourage the City to progress this urgently for the numerous environmental, social/health and economic benefits it offers us collectively.

Kind regards,

Rachel Davison
Transition Town Kalamunda (TTK)

Steve Gates
President, Nature Preserves Preservation Group (NRPG) Bushcarers

Helen Lynes 
Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group (PHCCIG)