Helen and Cathy, with help from Brett, set up a stall to actively engage festival goers in conversation about their views on climate change issues. The stall drew interest from all ages as families and couples stopped to respond to our statements taken from the City of Kalamunda’s community consultation for their Climate Change Action Plan.

The City asked “What things should the city be implementing to address Climate Change?”

PHCCIG selected 5 of the top responses and conducted a bottle lid survey where people put a lid in the issue they thought the city should put first. We asked

“Which one of these do you think should be the priority?”

Conserving biodiversity and urban forests.   (chosen by 18 adults and 2 children)

Best practice waste management.    (chosen by 4 adults and 3 children)

Energy saving and renewable energy measures.    (chosen by 5 adults and 1 child)

The City moves towards a Net Zero Emissions Target for all of its operations.   (chosen by 5 adults)

Increasing water efficiency (eg. saving and reusing).    (chosen by 2 children)

Our bottle lid survey had 32 responses from adults and 8 from children.

Children and young people also responded to this question posed by Millennium Kids:


Trees, birds and native animals were popular choices along with
Public facilities like a waterpark
Recycling, organics bins
Please stop littering
Reducing inequality
Less people
National Parks
Stop think act for the environment
Stop destroying trees
And Love

Paper leaves hanging from a tree, kids' responses to the question: What is the one thing you most want to have in your community
Paper leaves stuck on a page, kids' responses to the question: What is the one thing you most want to have in your community

Some children wrote their responses on leaves and hung them in a tree nearby.