Rosie Logie and her family! A simple life, living gently –

Rosie has crafted a hills lifestyle with her family at the centre, with her heart and eyes on a sustainable, low carbon footprint, future… read more.   

New release! Advocacy Position – Perth Hills Local Governments

A position statement has just been released that outlines the actions Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group is calling on the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in the Perth Hills to commit to, and implement, their climate emergency policies and action plans. The recommended mitigation and adaptation measures are specific to the Perth Hills and the targets are informed by sound science… read more

Local Youth Voices – The Agents of Climate Change Toolkit

Great news! The Shire of Mundaring has recently granted funding to Millennium Kids to bring together young people aged 12 – 18 years in the Mundaring shire and provide opportunities for them to work together to take action on environmental issues of concern…read more

Valuing Indigenous People, Biodiversity, Environment and Climate Change Outcomes and the Uluru Statement From the Heart – Your Invitation to a Fire Pit Yarning Circle

Nolan Hunter, Mundaring resident and Head of Engagement, Uluru Statement from the Heart, is holding a yarning circle 6pm-8pm, 8th October 2022 at Nearer to Nature, 275 Allen St, Mundaring. You are warmly invited … See attached flyer

From the Committee

Above (from left to right) Helen Lynes, Denise Sweetman, Jen Griffiths, Emma Barrett, Ailsa Paterson, Pamela Griffiths, Cathy Levett, Michael Hoy, Stephan Millett, Nolan Hunter

This month has, again, been very productive.  We held a very constructive Strategic Planning session.. more