Nina! What a champion –  for a sustainable, carbon neutral positive future! 

‘We all need to look after our mother’  … Here’s a video of Nina Radamanthos giving a great speech at the Kalamunda Farmers Market on Mother’s Day.  What a champion for a positive future, such an inspiration for us all! Watch her speak in this videoNina!.

Climate change risk and home insurance in the Perth Hills 

Many Hills homeowners may soon be unable to get home insurance and in a few short years, may will be unable to get enough insurance.  Who you vote for will matter.. read more Insurance risk flyer

Hasluck and Canning Candidate Election 2022 Climate Policy Commitments

Have a look to see what your candidates in the upcoming Federal Election have committed more Candidates’ promises

Millennium Kids Event in the Perth Hills –  for Kids to have a say in their local area

Cathy Levett (pictured left, centre) is a highly respected environment more Millennium kids flyer

From the committee

Well, there’s been a lot happening in the lead up to the election!! .. read more From the committee