Opening the way – Mundaring in Transition
Thank you
A group of dedicated people can do so much for a local community, and Mundaring in Transition (MiT) has contributed so much.
After ten years of community building for sustainability, the group has wound up, and gifted its assets to PHCCIG (with heart-felt thanks from us!).. read more…
Agents of Climate Change in the Shire of Mundaring
A very inspiring Deliberative Democracy youth workshop about making a difference to the environment was held on Monday 27 March 2023. Here is the report and recommendations from the workshop
Senator Louise Pratt Meeting
Committee members Lynda and Ailsa met recently with Senator Louise Pratt.
We advocated that the government should see the Safeguard Mechanism Act as a cornerstone for more ambitious emissions reduction… read more…
From the committee
It has been a challenging couple of months with several of your committee away from home enjoying their retirement. However, we have managed to maintain our focus and have achieved quite a bit. We… read more…
What’s On May – July 2023
Write now Call for review of forest burning practices .. read more.. ..
**Newsflash** Federal Budget 2023 and what it means for the environment
Read the ACF analysis and Climate Council analysis.