PHCCIG representatives Ailsa Paterson and Lynda Winter met with James Martin, President and Paige McNeil, Vice President, Shire of Mundaring, in May to discuss a range of local climate change issues.
The meeting was friendly and productive. The agreed actions included:
The Shire will:
- Check if the Local Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2012) has been updated and investigate publishing the outcomes of strategies.
- Check if the Emissions Reduction Strategy is reported on annually and published
- Discuss with the media team the potential for climate specific headings in publications
PHCCIG will:
- Advocate with our local members of parliament for the installation of more EV charging points in Mundaring
- Write to our Federal member advocating for federal funding to support the Shire’s transition to electric vehicles
- Write to our State member to explore the potential for community education and engagement strategies to encourage cultural burning in the Shire.
- Investigate policies of other local governments regarding fossil fuel advertising bans and potentially put a motion to council seeking a ban on Shire managed public spaces.
- Endeavour to submit climate specific articles for inclusion in the Six Seasons newsletters.
We’ve had a response to say that the Shire’s Local Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan is still current, and the Shire is also following up with WALGA risk assessment resources
PHCCIG is going to fulfil our commitments, and will follow up on the other issues soon.