Expressions of Interest are called for the WA Government’s Expert Consumer Panel
Be part of a representative voice of Western Australian energy consumers. Click here for more information. Applications close 20th July 2023.
Send a letter to Stop Mining in the Northern Jarrah Forests
Mining in the Northern Jarrah Forests is threatening Perth’s water and the health and resilience of the whole Northern Jarrah Forest region. Water and forests are worth more than bauxite and other minerals, and need to be securely protected. Please write to the WA Premier Roger Cook with this email template and call on him to take urgent action to stop mining in the most sensitive and high conservation value areas, reject expansion proposals and create a network of protected areas across the Northern Jarrah Forest region.
Join the Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action
This group is nonpartisan and grassroots, and is led by bushfire survivors determined to push for urgent climate action so that our communities and all others can one day be safer. In 2021 the group won a court case that the NSW government had a duty of care to regulate greenhouse gas emissions – so real action! One way to help is to share their website with people you think might be interested – or join the group via https://www.bushfiresurvivors.org/joinus. Anyone also interested in becoming a spokesperson can register their interest through that form.
Take action to block Woodside’s Browse Basin
Woodside’s Browse Basin proposal is one of the dirtiest new fossil fuel projects currently planned in Australia. If it goes ahead, Browse will release 1.6 billion tonnes of emissions by 2070 [1] (scope 1 and 3), devastate the pristine Scott Reef, threaten endangered marine life, and further accelerate global warming. Go to the CCWA webpage to see how you can take action to stop this going ahead.
And for more information about what Woodside is up to, read this excellent news article –
Introduction to Energy Conservation in your home
Yani Wessley presents a session focussing on where the energy is lost in your home, how to save money with energy conservation, and how to increase building comfort. 10am 9th November 2023 – more info and bookings go to https://www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/event-details/2023/11/09/libraries/introduction-to-energy-conservation-in-your-home