Call now for a review of current prescribed burning practices Write now!
Every year, DBCA burns over 200,000 ha of forests and other ecosystems in the South West of WA. The program is intended to reduce the risk of wildfire, but in real life it is having a profoundly negative impacts on ecosystems, wildlife, climate and people’s health. Scientific evidence is also mounting that too-frequent, intense fire is exacerbating wildfire risk by increasing the density of the understorey and making some ecosystems more flammable.

As climate change continues to make it more difficult to manage fire, it is critical that we have a comprehensive understanding of current practices and develop a more sophisticated, up-to-date and best-practice management system.
A parliamentary committee has been considering community and expert input and we understand that WA Minister for the Environment, Reece Whitby, is now deciding whether to commission an inquiry into prescribed burning. This is a crucial opportunity for WA to review current prescribed burning practices, and to develop a more sophisticated and sustainable approach. Call on Minister Whitby, Minister for the Environment, to commission an independent expert review. Email the Minister today
Perth Hills Local Government Consultations – Have your Say
- City of Kalamunda’s draft Urban Forest Strategy Feedback closes 5th June 2023
- Shire of Mundaring’s multi-purpose community facility … Collaborative design forum 28th & 30th May
- Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Have you say about local cat laws. Submissions close 16th June 2023
- Shire of Murray Have your say about their Environmental Strategy

Save the Date ..
Uplift – Conservation Council of WA’s State Conference 13th & 14th September 2023