Meeting with Briony Moran, Coordinator Environment and Sustainability, Shire of Mundaring, 10 April

Council members Lynda, Denise and Ailsa met with Briony to touch base on Shire of Mundaring (SoM) activities and priorities relating to climate change. Briony advised them that Council had adopted the revised Emissions Reduction Strategy (ERS) 2024, revised since the Shire of Mundaring had already met the 30% target agreed in 2018. The new target is a 70% reduction on emissions from the 2016/17 levels. We congratulated her on an excellent document and background paper. It is particularly pleasing that the 70% reduction target does not include carbon offsets.  read more

6 Hats

A few committee members recently had an interesting discussion about how we react to climate news. It made us think of Edward De Bono’s ‘6 Thinking Hats’. They are a simple strategy to make sure we are thinking clearly and carefully about topics. Invaluable in a wide range of situations, they are particularly relevant to climate news … read more

Containers for change

Here’s a great way to boost local advocacy for climate action: collect and return your drink containers to Containers for Change, so they can be recycled to live another life, and donate the proceeds to PHCCIG. It all adds up! … read more …

New members: how to get ACTIVE

OK, you’ve joined Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group. What’s next? How do I take any actual… action, you ask?  Check out these ideas and feel free to contact us with questions and suggestions … read more …

What we’re reading, listening to, and watching

Do you have any podcasts, programs, books, webinars you can recommend? Please let us know!

For instance, New Scientist (10/01/24 edition) contained a review of Not the end of the world, an interesting and hopeful book by Hannah Ritchie; you can also find similar material by Ritchie at Impatient for Change with Hannah Ritchie from Outrage + Optimism in Podcasts.

From the Committee  

2024 is certainly looking very busy thus far. We are starting to see some ‘green shoots’, with the Federal government announcements on renewable energy roll out and adaptation. However, action on mitigation is much slower, particularly around Scope 3* issues and the opening of new fossil fuel mines. Given that 2023 was the hottest year on record across the globe, and Western Australia in particular experienced extreme heatwave conditions, unprecedented storms and record-breaking temperatures, we need to redouble our efforts.  Click here to read more about what PHCCIG has been up to since February.

Please join us our advocacy for change here.

Events and new developments

Have you checked out our NEW Facebook page , which is called Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group ? – go in and click ‘Like’! There you’ll find a bunch of upcoming sustainability events on around the city, and we also post links to articles of interest.